Weekly Recommendations – w/e 8th March 2024: La Recua, Sayonara Maestro: Chichi to Watashi no Appassionato, & Cabrini

Continuing with our catch-up of weekly recommended scores, here’s a round-up of scores that caught my attention over the week ending, 8th March 2024.

La Recua (2021) – Alejandro Guerrero (Alejandro Guerrero)

La Recua: The Mule Pack Train (dir. Trudi Angeli, Darío Higuera Meza) is a feature documentary following the herding of a pack-train of donkeys on a 200 mile re-enactment over an old-time merchant route. Mexican composer Alejandro Guerrero taps into his training in classical guitar with a wonderfully evocative score that prominently features solo classical guitar (with perhaps the occasional augmentation with additional acoustic guitars). There’s a beauty and serenity to each of the album’s twenty tracks, and Guerrero’s music provides a entry to a listening experience that will lift the spirits of every listener.

Continue reading “Weekly Recommendations – w/e 8th March 2024: La Recua, Sayonara Maestro: Chichi to Watashi no Appassionato, & Cabrini”