
Welcome to reelmusic.

I’ve had an interest in film and TV music since I was a child, listening and recording music off the TV on a cheap portable cassette recorder. I then discovered that LPs featuring the score to my favourite films was available to buy and things have taken off from there. Discovering that other people had the same interest as I did was the second revelation and my involvement with film music messageboards began.

Commenting on film music messageboards encouraged me to start writing reviews on CD releases and, for a time, this took up a bit of my time. This blog here is an attempt to bring my thoughts and reviews together in one place.

I was a member of the International Film Music Critics Association (IFMCA) from 2011-2020.

All reviews content © Reel Music, 2011-present. Artwork © of the respective publishers and is republished here for illustrative and promotional purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended. Should you have concerns about this website or its content, please contact me.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Alan, am currently listening to the sumptuous IFMCA Cue Show which I learnt about via my Facebook postings with Erik Woods. I immediately looked up your blog which I have to say is excellent. I present a monthly film music radio show on Radio NoWhere where I play new music but also try to bring vintage and other great past scores from the last 30 years alive. This is the link to my Feb show in case you would like to listen.
    Would be good if occasionally I could quote from a review of yours with a credit and may be at some point you might like to record short reviews which i could use in the show.
    All the best,
    Ley [Bricknell]
    [audio src="http://www.radionowhere.org/14.Feb.2013%20F.mp3" /]

    1. Hi Ley, thanks for the encouraging comments about the blog. I’ve let the frequency of posts slip over the last few months but I am planning to get back to more reviewing asap. I’ve seen your presence at one or two of the film music groups over at Facebook so you’re name is familiar. Thanks for the link to your radio show: I will take a listen when I can.

      I have no problem with you quoting from my reviews – I am surprised that anyone would want to talk about some of the obscure music I review! I am trying to find a little niche in the film music arena by trying to review lesser known, but just as rewarding titles – many of which are digital only releases (and therefore ignored by a large proportion of film music listeners).

      Maybe this could be an idea for a “slot” on your show at some point in the future? Highlighting some of the more obscure titles. My involvement with the IFMCA Radio show was my first experience with recording my voice for “broadcast” and I would like to get a bit more experience at doing this. So maybe I will take you up on your offer at some point, but I won’t jump in immediately! I’ve had a commitment to Erik for many, many months about putting together a show for his radio programme but have yet to attempt scripting and recording it. I have the suites ready, but not the links!

      Thanks for the interest in the blog and hopefully it will bring you into contact with some great music that you may not have come across before.

      All the best,


      1. Alan – this would be a great idea. All you have to do is send me a review of a ‘lesser known’ soundtrack and I will use them in a specially made slot each month or as and when you send them to me. This will get us started but if you want to record yourself doing the review and then send as an mp3, all the better. You needn’t do one every month if time is a problem, just as and when. Let me know what you think. My email address ley@radionowhere.org

      2. Ley, sorry for the very tardy response to your comment. Thanks for the interest in my focus on the “lesser known” soundtracks. Perhaps in the future your suggestion could be progressed but at the moment time (I haven’t even done many written reviews recently) and my inexperience with both the process of recording a spoken review and perfecting my “radio voice” (the recent IFMCA radio thing was my first attempt at this) mean that I would prefer not to commit to providing spoken reviews.

        Perhaps in the future?

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