Weekly Recommendations – w/e 7th October 2022: Point B, The Plague Doctor of Wippra & Overwhelm the Sky

After an extended lull in weekly recommendations we are back and here’s a round-up of recommended scores that caught my attention over the week ending, 7th October 2022 (remember back then?)

Point B (2013) – Leeland Campana (Records DK)

Point B (dir. Conor Long) is a low budget science fiction movie about a group of friends who discover that their clean energy machine works as a teleportation device. Campana take advantage of the movie’s subject to create a wonderfully retro-sounding score that I would describe as a mix of the usual names used for this kind of score (John Carpenter, Tangerine Dream, etc.) with a dash of Super Mario Galaxy (Koji Kondo & Mahito Yokota). The album moves between the dramatic, comedic, and source-styled muzak so there’s not really any dramatic flow over the course of the 40 minute running time: each track works best as a stand-alone example of 80s-style electronica. That being said, it’s a great example of the genre and is well work a listen.

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