Отряд Таганок (Otryad Taganok), translated as Taganok Squad, is a Russian family adventure film (based upon a story written by Bashkir poet, Mustai Karim) produced by the Bashkortostan Film Studio. Directed by Ainur Askarov, the film was originally shot back in 2018 but the pandemic delayed its release until early 2021. The film tells the story of three boys who spend the long summer days finding their own things to do in the surrounding countryside, using their imagination to fill their time. Inspired by a local legend which says that a mountain overlooking their homes will destroy their village unless they repopulate a mountain lake with fish, they begin their self-appointed quest. As well as the group trying to achieve their physical goal, the film shows them growing and developing as individuals (and as a team).

The score is written by composer Kamil Abdullin who has also composed music for several recent Russian movies and TV mini-series productions. This film’s subject matter offers several different opportunities underscore both the action on-screen but also the emotional journey the boys undergo during the film. The opening track “Тема Дружбы” appears to focus on the emotional aspect of the friends and represents the group of boys at the opening of the movie. It is a bright and somewhat innocent theme, reflecting the children’s innocent outlook on life and illustrated with a soaring strings rendition. It’s a lovely opening to the score. Отряд Таганок has a second prominent theme, a theme representing the boys having matured over the course of the movie. The penultimate track, “Тема Взросления”, sets out this theme in a stately manner by strings. Sounding more mature to anything that has gone before this theme is also more reflective and seems to represent both the present (the boys blossoming maturity) but also links back to the past, perhaps lamenting on childhood lost. It’s interesting to note that – at least to my ears – that these two themes seem to be musically related to one another: at the same time as the friends mature the thematic material representing them changes too. As the story develops, and as the boys pursue their quest, ascending the mountain (“Восхождение”) and ultimately achieving their goal (“Гора Спасена”), the grown up theme (“Тема Взросления”) is the dominant theme. It is heard with a grandeur provided by strong brass statements of this theme. The remainder of this relatively short album – the running time is less than fifteen minutes – features various (but consistently energetic) comedic dramatic/action scoring that is dominated by staccato strings and brass rhythms and untuned and tuned percussion. The latter reminded me particularly of the music of Danny Elfman. And whilst I am comparing Abdullin’s music with other composers, the frenetic string writing of the second track, “Бык Разрушает Кинотеатр”, recalls the action music of Alan Silvestri’s Predator score! The closing 5 minutes of Отряд Таганок are particularly strong. The statement of the growing up theme and music accompanying the successful conclusion of the Taganok Squad’s quest (which I assume from the quality of the final track) are a highlight of the entire album. However, these final tracks do highlight the frustration of this release.

Running to just short of 15 minutes, the album is disappointingly short and I would have liked to have heard more of the development of the score during the film: perhaps how the early friendship theme develops into the later, grown up theme. And, although the action scoring as it is heard here is enjoyable, the short tracks don’t really allow for any stand-out action tracks or for much musical development. Overall though, Отряд Таганок is a nice little find. Abdullin’s score is currently available from streaming services and for purchase in digital stores using the original Russian wording as search terms.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.
  1. Тема Дружбы (Friendship Theme*) (1:56)
  2. Бык Разрушает Кинотеатр (Bull Destroys Cinema*) (1:05)
  3. Проказники (Prankster*) (0:47)
  4. Грузовик Несется в Пропасть (Truck Driving into the Abyss*) (0:40)
  5. Встреча Друзей (Friends Meeting*) (0:39)
  6. Состязание (Contest*) (1:22)
  7. Восхождение (Ascent*) (2:00)
  8. Бой Габдуллы с Быком (Gabdulla’s Fight with the Bull*) (1:24)
  9. Тема Взросления (Growing Up Theme*) (1:42)
  10. Гора Спасена (Mountain Saved*) (2:18)

*Translations based upon Google Translate

Running Time: 13:53

AskarFilm (2021)

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